On October 23rd Jewish Family Services hosted our 2019 Annual Meeting at the War Memorial Center in downtown Milwaukee.
President and CEO, John Yopps welcomed guests and shared elements of Jewish Family Services strategic plan.
Donna Triplett, Vice President of Development and Communications recognized volunteers and announced Aaron Heffernan and Dawn Giorno as recipients of the Dr. Rhoda and Edward Green Memorial Merit Scholarship.
Jennifer Ciralski, Board Chair shared highlights from the last year including:
- Our Outpatient Mental Health Clinic continues to improves access to quality care. Last year, we served 883 clients through 7,557 direct service encounters.
- We added an Advance Practice Nurse Prescriber position (APNP) to provide psychiatric medication management services to support improved mental and behavioral health outcomes.
- Client satisfaction with our services remains very high, with ninety-eight percent (98%) of Outpatient Mental Health clients surveyed reporting that they have a better understanding of the problems they are struggling with and ninety-seven (97%) of clients reporting making progress toward at least one treatment goal.
- Our Hirsh Larkey Mental Health Conference offered a critical platform to discuss the impact of opioid addiction, increase awareness of the crisis and provide training for licensed clinicians and others on prevailing interventions.
- Our case management and social services programs were reorganized to better meet the needs of individuals with disabilities and those who would be vulnerable without support services. Last year we served 509 clients and provided 4,225 direct service encounters and one-hundred percent (100%) of case management clients surveyed reported improvement in their sense of well-being
- We added a new program called Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) to address the needs of individuals living with mental health disorders, substance abuse disorders or both.
- Deerwood Crossing Senior Residences and Bradley Crossing continued to be a source of safe and affordable housing for seniors and families.
Anne David, Director of Clinical Services gave an overview of our recent 1.5 million Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) grant award that will allow more comprehensive services to individuals who have experienced domestic violence and hate crimes.
Herb Zein, Treasurer gave an overview of JFS’ financial position.
Donna Triplett, Vice President of Development and Communications gave a final update on the 150th Anniversary Campaign that raised over $800,000 under the leadership of co-chairs Bonnie Bockl Joseph and Marlene Lauwasser.
Dan Fleischman, Vice President of Housing and Residential Services reported that JFS Housing is currently home to over 300 residents and that on site support services continue to make a difference in the lives of seniors, individuals with disabilities and families.
Carmen Pitre, President and CEO, Sojourner and Natalie Hayden, Advocate, Sojourner – VOICES delivered a powerful address on the impact of domestic violence and the resources survivors need to overcome their experiences.