Understandably, many older adults are dealing with loneliness and fear related to the COVID-19 crisis. Additionally, many older adults are self-isolating in order to reduce risk of exposure and illness, causing intense feelings of anxiety and depression and further exacerbating prior experiences of loneliness and isolation. “Friendly calls” are being offered to older adults in Milwaukee County who are at increased risk for depression and anxiety due to increased social isolation and stress related to the COVID crisis. Master’s prepared staff, clinical interns and volunteers are available to provide 15-30 minute calls to older adults in Milwaukee County identified by MCDA and community partners as in need of this service.
We are accepting referrals for adults age 60 and older living in Milwaukee County who are experiencing distress and loneliness due to the COVID-19 crisis.
To refer an Older Adult for Friendly Calls:
Call: 414-225-1374
Email: clinic@jfsmilw.org
Text: 414-376-0711
Hours available for calls:
Mon. – Thurs. 8:30am to 5:00pm and Fridays: 8:30am to 2:00pm