
Jewish Family Services…families need a home…homes need a foundation.

The first Endowment Fund to support Jewish Family Services programs was established in 1982. With assistance from the Jewish Community Foundation, the endowment development program of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation, nearly 40 families have chosen to support the agency by starting an Endowment fund to support general operating expenses or a specific program of Jewish Family Services.

How does it work?

An endowment is a fund established in perpetuity and provides a lasting legacy that reflects your wishes and intentions in making your gift to JFS. Endowments are structured so that only a small portion of your gift, rather than the whole amount, is used each year while the rest remains intact and is invested for the future.

An initial minimum gift of $2,500 is required to establish a JFS endowment fund. Funds can be named after loved ones, in memory or in honor of someone, or to commemorate a special event. Donations to establish an endowment fund can be made in the form of cash, appreciated securities, bequests or a life insurance policy. Additional gifts to your endowment over the years can continue to increase the benefit to services that JFS provide each day to the clients who rely on us for support.

For more information on creating a named Endowment, please contact Jenny Heyden, Vice President of Development & Communications, at 414-225-1345 or email jheyden@jfsmilw.org.

Reasons to Consider an Endowed Fund

  • Honors or memorializes a loved one through a project or issue of importance to that person.
  • Promotes philanthropy within the family and teaches tzedakah to children and grandchildren.
  • Bypasses capital gains taxes on long-term appreciated securities.
  • The donor may recommend a different project to receive distribution from the named fund each year.
  • The donor may initiate a fund to commemorate a special occasion and may add to the fund over time.

The information in this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For legal advice, please consult the appropriate professional.