The event scheduled for June 4, 2020 has been cancelled due to COVID-19 safety precautions.
As friends and supporters of Jewish Family Services, we hope you are well and staying safe at this time. The onset of COVID-19 has changed so much in our community since we first announced our Hope, Help and Healing Gala back in February. Due to growing public safety concerns and the need to self-shelter, we considered postponing initially, but with no clear end in sight, our planning committee has come to the decision to cancel the event that was scheduled on June 4, 2020. We hope to be able to host a similar gala event a year from now in June 2021.
Even though we have cancelled the event for this June, we still ask for your support at this time. Currently, Jewish Family Services is the only Jewish social service agency in our community that is open and operational during the COVID-19 crisis. We know that the individuals we serve – including seniors, adults with disabilities and low-income families – are extremely vulnerable during this pandemic. The vast majority of in-person contacts have been converted to phone calls or video conference formats. When necessary we continue a limited number of face-to-face visits to client homes. Over the last few weeks, referrals for our services have increased from Jewish Clergy, friends, families and other professionals. Therefore, your support is critical to help us meet the community need that is greater than ever during this crisis.
During this period of great uncertainty, we remain strong in our commitment to serve those who rely on our services.
In light of the event cancellation, we ask you to consider making a charitable contribution to support our mission and services during the COVID-19 crisis. You can make a secure online donation on our website at www.jfsmilw.org
These are times, unlike any of us have experienced before and we look forward to this crisis being resolved. Until then, take care. Know that we deeply appreciate you support today and in the future.