A Virtual Meeting Every Thursday from 9:00-10:30 am Starting November 19th

Jewish Family Services has been helping individuals who are experiencing intimate partner violence in our community for 5 years through our collaboration with Sojourner Family Peace Center.
We are now offering a virtual educational/support group for women within the Jewish community who want to understand and get support in their own healing journey.
This virtual support group will be confidential and will be using the Zoom platform to gather together while being remote. These groups will be led by experts in the dynamics of unhealthy relationships.
For Information or Registration Contact: Kat Blackwell at 414-225-1374 or email kblackwell@jfsmilw.org
Our advocacy services are funded by the Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) grant through the Wisconsin Department of Justice. For more information, please call 800-446-6564 or visit their website www.doj.state.wi.us for more information about services for victims.